Does My Company Need a Podcast?

A podcast can help you create an intimate connection with potential clients.


You listen to podcasts. You love podcasts. You know how effective they can be.  Maybe you’ve tossed around the idea of your company doing a podcast, but you aren’t totally convinced it’s an effective use of time and budget. Here’s why your company should be creating a podcast—yesterday.

Podcasts create a close connection with your audience or potential clients.
Listening to a podcast is like listening to a friend whisper in your ear. Your audience will be listening to your podcast while stuck in traffic, getting ready for work in the morning or working out at the gym. Podcasts are easier to digest than a video or a blog post, and your listener can engage with them while they’re on the go.

More than 50% of podcast subscribers listen to the entire episode.
That’s anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour of nonstop engagement. What does that mean for you? That relationship with your audience gets that much deeper with every episode, as they learn about your company and your mission. And what do you do when you come across a podcast you love? You tell people. You can’t pay for that kind of word-of-mouth endorsement. 

You’re consistently reminding potential clients about your business.
Every time someone listens to your podcast, they learn more about your business. And before they consider becoming a client, you’ve already educated them, inspired them and shown them the value you can bring them, without them having to spend a single dollar. That kind of connection goes so much further than a cold call ever could. 

Want to chat about how we can help you plan and produce your podcast? Email us at to talk about your podcasting goals. 

Jasmine Rach is a podcast producer and journalist. Before joining Ghost Bureau she reported for 680NEWS.

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