Best Tips to Prepare for a Video Shoot


If you’re never been in video, it may feel intimidating. We’re here to make the process really easy and a lot of fun.

Here’s what you can do to prepare for your video shoot.

First, think about the message you want to relay. Your marketing team and Ghost Bureau can help with this. Write down three to five talking points you want to hit. Remember your video will be about one to two minutes long, so keep your points very short.

Recite your talk as you’re walking, doing dishes, driving or in the shower. The more comfortable you get with giving your talk aloud, the more comfortable you’ll be in front of the camera.

It’s best to do all of this at least a day in advance. This gives your brain time to digest the information and by the time the shoot day rolls around, this talk will feel very familiar to you.

At the shoot, you may feel nervous being in front of the camera. There’s the lens, the lights, and the film crew. Here’s something that works for me when I’m nervous: Try to block out everyone and everything else and treat the camera as though it’s your best friend. Pretend their eyes are the lens and you’re having a great chat. This should help you to stay focused, as well as help you feel like you’re having a conversation with someone, rather than delivering a script.

Don’t expect to be perfect. If you go into the video shoot thinking you’re going to memorize your one minute talk and recite it word for word without making a mistake, you’re setting yourself up to become frustrated.

Remember, your video is going to be edited, and the best thing you can do is give the video editor several different takes of every single line. This provides us with more material, and ultimately means you’ll get a better final product.  

Don’t stop yourself if you make a mistake. If you were chatting to a new client and made a mistake, you wouldn’t start from the beginning; you’d correct yourself and keep going. That’s what we want you to do, too.

Here’s my final tip: A little preparation goes a long way. Even looking over your notes in the Uber on the way to the video shoot can help.

Looking to record your own marketing video? Email to tell us about your project or check out our pricing page for more details.

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