Why Your Website Needs a Blog

 A blog is a time-efficient way to help drive traffic to your site, answer frequently asked questions and build client trust.


Have you been considering adding a blog to your company’s website, but not sure it’s the right move? Sure, the internet’s flooded with blogs, and maintaining your own takes time, effort and talent that may not be available to you. And yet—for three main reasons, having a blog that you can consistently update makes good business sense. Here’s why:

Blogs are great for SEO
That’s search engine optimization. When someone asks a question, they’re looking for an answer. So if they ask a question and your website provides that answer, Google rewards you by moving you up in the search results. And that’s what you want—so that when people are looking for a product or service that you provide, you come up as one of the top businesses. That’s why, in addition to creating this video about blogs, I’ve also written a blog post on the very same topic.  

Blogs are a time-efficient way to answer frequently asked questions
You’ve probably been asked the same questions by potential clients over and over and over again. That’s a lot of time spent on calls and in meetings—if you even get to that stage. Blogs are a great way to answer those frequently asked questions in the best possible way. And the best part is that most people do a lot of research before they ever contact a company. And part of the research is getting answers to their questions, so if you can provide that in a succinct blog post, you’ll be one step closer to getting that potential client to pick up the phone and give you a call.  

Blogs create trust
When you’re looking to hire a company to provide a service or to purchase a product, you want to know more about the company and the brand. So do your potential clients. So when you share that information with them, they start to trust you. And that’s essential because people want to hire people that they can trust. A library of blog posts shows that you’re invested in your business and you’ve been active for a long time, which shows your commitment and ongoing presence in the industry.

 So what if you don’t have time or interest in a writing a blog post?
That’s what we do. Our team of trained journalists works with you to turn your ideas into compelling posts that sound like you wrote it yourself.

Chantel Guertin is a partner at Ghost Bureau, an experienced blog ghost writer, and the bestselling author of seven novels, including the 2021 hit Instamom. (Which just sold in Poland!) Want to learn more about hiring Ghost Bureau to maintain your corporate blog? Email hello@ghostbureau.com for a complimentary consultation.

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